You can hide your message blue double ticks, double ticks to your contacts The most famous feature of GB Whatsapp is the hidden message ticks.This Mod version of GB WhatsApp allows you to send video files up to 50MB and audio files up to 100MB, you can also decrease/increase the limit in settings The problem we usually face in WA is the problem of sending large files like APK files, video files, songs, and other data.You may like to put your daily story on Whatsapp status, images, quotes, videos and more but all these can’t be copied in the ordinary version of WA.If you want to use dual WhatsApp on the same device you can do so by using GB WhatsApp, you can use the normal version of Whatsapp and the app at the same time on the same device.Get lots of themes created by some users of this app, all of those themes are free.

We use GB WhatsApp free for our common needs such as chatting, voice and video calling, etc, on top of all these, WhatsApp offers some features like sharing locations, documents, contacts and more.

Video status limit to 7 minutes instead of 30 seconds can be shared.Create and use themes, can be used by other GBWA users.Connectable with WhatsApp web but features do not work there.New and customized emojis for GB WhatsApp users.Hide seen message, delivered message staus.Send large files of videos, audios, images.